
Seeds and Plant Varieties (Amendment)

No. 53

(a) develop guidelines and protocols for the
management of emerging technologies
in seed production; and
(b) apply this section to any area in Kenya
where persons are engaged in
growing crops for seeds of any type or
variety of plant specified in the order, if
he is satisfied that in that area
satisfactory arrangements have been
made for locating such crops so as to
isolate them from crops or plants which
might cause injurious cross-pollination.
(b) by deleting the word "Minister" wherever it occurs
in the section and substituting therefor the word
14. Section 17 of the principal Act is amended by—

Amendment of
Section 17 of Cap.

(a) deleting all the words appearing after the words "in
respect of in sub section (1) and substituting
therefor the words "varieties of all plant genera and
(b) deleting subsection (4).
15. Section 18 of the principal Act is amended—
(a) in subsection (1) by deleting the words "as
respect" and substituting therefor the words "with
respect to"
(b) by deleting subsection (2) and substituting therefor
the following new subsection—
(2) An applicant for plant breeders' rights
must be the breeder, and the provisions of Part I of
the Fourth Schedule shall have effect with regard
to two or more persons who have independently
bred, discovered and developed a plant variety.

Amendment of
Section 18 of Cap.

Select target paragraph3