Parameters Name
Service Availability /
Uptime (for all users)



Averaged over
a period of 7
Greater than 99% of the time, Monthly
the network shall be available to
the subscribers
Minimum QoS

Customer perception of
% satisfied with the
provision of service



% satisfied with the billing >95%



% satisfied with help
% satisfied with network
performance, reliability
and availability




% satisfied with





3.2 Meaning Of the QoS Parameters & Measurement Methodology
The detailed meaning of QoS parameters described in guideline 3.1 and their
measurement methods are provided for in the in Appendix 1 attached hereunder.
3.3 Reporting Requirement
The service providers shall submit the Performance Monitoring Reports on the QoS
parameters in the format to be prescribed by the Agency respectively on Quarterly
basis, ending 31st March, 30th June, 30th September and 31st December, but not
later than 15 working days from the end of the Quarter or on Monthly basis. The
Agency may review from time to time the periodicity and the format of such report.
3.4 Registration of Demands for Broadband Connections
(1) Providers, who intend to provide Broadband service, in a particular service area
or exchange area/ locality/ city shall advertise and make public the Broadband
availability plan at periodic interval of at least once in 3 months so that
prospective customers can make registration.
(2) In order to ensure that applications for Broadband connections are registered
within the country, the service provider shall register all demands for Broadband
connections and give registration number to the prospective customer. If it is
technically feasible to provide the Broadband connection, the service provider
shall provide the list of subscribers and their bandwidth not later than 15
working days of each quarter.

Rwanda Utilities Regulatory Agency

Select target paragraph3