and there shall be paid for such certificate of registration, certified copy,
or extract such fees as may be prescribed not exceeding six penalty units
for the certificate of registration, and not exceeding one penalty unit for
each folio of seventy-two words, of the entry, copy, or extract.
(2) A certificate of registration, or a copy of or extract from any
statement registered under this Act, if duly certified to be a true copy or
extract under the hand of the Registrar (whom it shall not be necessary
to prove to be the Registrar) shall, in all legal proceedings, civil or
criminal, be received in evidence.
(As amended by Act No. 13 of 1994)
18. The Minister may, by statutory instrument, make regulations
concerning any of the following matters:

the fees to be paid to the Registrar under this Act;


the forms to be used under this Act;


the duties to be performed by any Registrar under this Act;


the place or places at which shall be situate the offices of
generally the conduct and regulation of registration under this
Act, and any matters incidental thereto.
(As amended by No. 19 of 1950, G.N. No. 279 of 1964 and No. 3 of
19. (1) After the expiration of six months from the commencement of
this Act, every individual and firm required by this Act to be registered
shall, in all trade catalogues, trade circulars, showcards and business
letters, on or in which the business name appears and which are issued
or sent by the individual or firm to any person, have mentioned in
legible characters(a)
in the case of an individual, his present Christian names or the
initials thereof and present surname, any former Christian name or
surname and his nationality; and
in the case of a firm, the present Christian names or the initials
thereof and present surnames, any former Christian names and
surnames, and the nationality, of all the partners in the firm or, in the
case of a corporation being a partner, the corporate name.

Publication of true
names, etc.

Select target paragraph3