
a Commission of Inquiry issued by the
President under the Commissions of Inquiry

Cap. 05:02

Act binds State


This Act binds the State.
PART II - Right of Access to Information

Right of access

Notwithstanding any law to the contrary and subject to the
provisions of this Act, every person shall have the right to obtain
access to an official document.

Access to documents

A public authority shall give an applicant access to an
official document where -

Access not to be


a request for access to the document is duly
made by the applicant;


the request is approved by the public
authority; and


any fee prescribed under section 14 that is
required to be paid before access is granted
has been paid.

A person’s access to an official document shall not be
obtained under this Act where (a)

the document contains information that is
open to public access, as part of a public
register or otherwise in accordance with any
law, and that access is subject to a charge or


the document contains information that is
open to public access, as part of a public
register or otherwise in accordance with any
law, and that access is not subject to a charge
or fee;


the document contains information that is
available for purchase by the public in
accordance with any arrangement made by a
public authority; or


Select target paragraph3