Federal Negarit Gazeta
13th Year No. 13 ADDIS ABABA-27th February, 2006
Page 3364


inform the Institute in writing of all the findings of the
research and development based on the genetic resource
and community knowledge accessed;


not to transfer the genetic resource and the community
knowledge accessed to any other third party or to use same
for any purpose other than that originally intended, without
first notifying to and obtaining written authorization from the


return any unused genetic material at the end of the planned
research or upon termination of the access agreement;


not to transfer to third parties the access permit or the rights
and obligations there under without obtaining the consent of
the Institute to that effect;


where he seeks to acquire intellectual property right over the
genetic resources accessed or parts thereof, negotiate new
agreement with the Institute based on the relevant laws of


not apply for a patent or any other intellectual property
protection over the community knowledge accessed without
first obtaining explicit written consent from the Institute;


recognize the locality where the genetic resource or
community knowledge accessed from as origin in the
application for commercial property protection of the product
developed there from;


share the benefit that may be obtained from the utilization of
the genetic resource or community knowledge accessed to
the state and the concerned local communities;


respect the laws of the country, particularly those regarding
sanitary control, biosafety and protection of the environment;


respect the cultural practices, traditional values and customs
of local communities;


observe the terms and conditions of the access agreement.

Select target paragraph3