7. It shall provide uniform standards of measurement and calendar.
8. It shall formulate the country’s foreign policy and exercise overall
supervision over its implementation.
9. It shall ensure the observance of law and order.
10. It has the power to declare a state of emergency; in doing so, it shall, within
the time limit prescribed by the Constitution, submit the proclamation
declaring a state of emergency for approval by the House of Peoples’
11. It shall submit draft laws to the House of Peoples’ Representatives on any
matter falling within its competence, including draft laws on a declaration of
12. It shall carry out other responsibilities that may be entrusted to it by the
House of Peoples’ Representatives and the Prime Minister.
13. It shall enact regulations pursuant to powers vested in it by the House of
Peoples’ Representatives.
Article 78
Independence of the Judiciary
1. An independent judiciary is established by this Constitution.
2. Supreme Federal judicial authority is vested in the Federal Supreme
Court. The House of Peoples’ Representatives may, by two-thirds majority
vote, establish nationwide, or in some parts of the country only, the
Federal High Court and First-Instance Courts it deems necessary. Unless
decided in this manner, the jurisdictions of the Federal High Court and of
the First-Instance Courts are hereby delegated to the State courts.
3. States shall establish State Supreme, High and First-Instance Courts.
Particulars shall be determined by law.
4. Special or ad hoc courts which take judicial powers away form the regular
courts or institutions legally empowered to exercise judicial functions and
which do not follow legally prescribed procedures shall not be established.
5. P ursuant to sub-Article 5 of Article 34 the House of Peoples’
Representatives and State Councils can establish or give official
recognition to religious and customary courts. Religious and customary
courts that had state recognition and functioned prior to the adoption of the
Constitution shall be organized on the basis of recognition accorded to
them by this Constitution.