1. Nominations shall be presented by the political parties either individually or
as coalitions, and the lists may include citizens who are not affiliated to the
parties in question, under the terms of the law.
2. Nominations must be subscribed to by 5,000 to 5,500 voters for the national
constituency and 500 to 550 voters for each provincial constituency.


Article 147 

(Nature of mandate) 

Members shall represent the entire nation and not just the constituencies to which
they are elected.
Article 148 

(Start and end of term of office)

1. The term of office of a Member shall start when they take up office and the
first constituent meeting of the National Assembly after the elections is held
and shall end with the first session after the subsequent elections, without
prejudice to individual suspensions or cessations.
2. The filling of seats in the National Assembly, in addition to the suspension,
substitution, resignation and loss of office shall be regulated by the
Constitution and the law.
Article 149
1. The office of Member shall be incompatible with the exercise of the
following functions:
a) President and Vice-President of the Republic;
b) Minister of State, Minister, Secretary of State and Vice-Minister;
c) Serving ambassador;
d) Judges and public prosecutors;
e) Ombudsman and Deputy Ombudsman;
f) Members of the High Council of the Judicial Bench and the Public
Prosecutor’s Office;
g) Provincial Governors, Deputy Provincial Governors and other
officeholders in state local administration bodies;
h) Officeholders in local authority bodies;


Select target paragraph3