(Exclusive responsibility to the Constitution)
The responsibilities of the President of the Republic shall be those defined in this
Article 118 

(Message to the nation) 

On the occasion of the opening of parliament and at the National Assembly
President of the Republic shall deliver a message to the country on the state of
nation and the policies recommended for the resolution of the main issues,
promotion of the well-being of the Angolan people and the development of


Article 119 

(Responsibilities as Head of State)

As Head of State, the President of the Republic shall be responsible for:
a) Appointing the Vice-President of the Republic, from amongst the individuals
on the respective election list, and discharging them from office;
b) Calling general and local elections under the terms established in the
Constitution and the law;
c) Addressing the National Assembly;
d) In conjunction with the Constitutional Court, promoting the prior and
ongoing review of the constitutionality of legislation and international
treaties, as well as unconstitutional omissions, under the terms prescribed in
the Constitution;
e) Appointing and discharging from office Ministers of State, Ministers,
Secretaries of State and Vice-Ministers;
f) Appointing the Presiding Judge of the Constitutional Court and the other
judges of the said court;
g) Appointing the Presiding Judge of the Supreme Court, the Deputy Presiding
Judge and the other judges of the said court, on the recommendation of
respective Supreme Judicial Council;
h) Appointing the Presiding Judge of the Court of Auditors, the Deputy
Presiding Judge and the other judges of the said court, under the terms of the
i) Appointing the Presiding Judge, Deputy Presiding Judge and the other judges
of the Supreme Military Court;
j) Appointing and discharging from office the Attorney General, the Deputy
Attorneys General and, on the recommendation of Supreme Judicial Council


Select target paragraph3