44. (1) As the Head of State, the President shall perform with dignity
and leadership all acts necessary or expedient for, or reasonably
incidental to, the discharge of the executive functions of Government
subject to the overriding terms of this Constitution and the Laws of
Zambia which he is constitutionally obliged to protect, administer and
(2) Without prejudice to the generality of clause (1), the President may
preside over meetings of the Cabinet and shall have the power, subject
to this Constitution to(a)
dissolve the National Assembly as provided in Article 88;
accredit, receive and recognise ambassadors, and to appoint
ambassadors, plenipotentiaries, diplomatic representatives and
pardon or reprieve offenders, either unconditionally or subject to
such conditions as he may consider fit;
negotiate and sign international agreements and delegate the
power to do so;
establish and dissolve such Government Ministries and
departments subject to the approval of the National Assembly;
confer such honours as he considers appropriate on citizens,
residents and friends of Zambia in consultation with interested
and relevant persons and institutions; and
appoint such persons as are required by this Constitution or any
other law to be appointed by him.
(3) Subject to the provisions of this Constitution dealing with assent to
laws passed by Parliament and the promulgation and publication of such
laws in the Gazette, the President shall have power to(a)
sign and promulgate any proclamation which by law he is
entitled to proclaim as President; and
initiate, in so far as he considers it necessary and expedient, laws
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