Unofficial translaction
3) the line of business;
4) form of the legal entity;
5) where applicable, the amount of capital with an indication of the amount of cash
contributions and the valueof in-kind contributions;
6) the address of the registered office, and where applicable, the mainestablishment and each
of the other establishments;
7) the duration of the company or the legal entity as defined by its articles of associationor the
constitutive document;
8) thefull namesand personal residenceofshareholdersheldindefinitelyandpersonally liable for
company debts along with their date and place of birth, their nationality, where appropriate,
theirdate and place of marriage, the adopted matrimonial regime and provisions enforceable
againstthird parties restricting free disposal of the assets of the spouses or, the absence of
such clauses, as well as applications for separation of property;
9) full names, date and place of birth, and domicile of managers, officers, directors or
shareholders empowered to bind the legal entity or the group;
10) full names, date and place of birth, domicile of statutaryauditors, where their appointment
is provided for by the Uniform Act on commercial companies and the conomicInterest
11) Or any other indication set forth by a specific legal provision.
ARTICLE47–The following supporting documents shall be attached to the application
irrespective of their form or support:
1) a certified copy of the articles of associationor the constitutive document;
2) the declaration of regularity and conformity or notarial statement of subscription and
3) the list certified true of managers, directors, officers or shareholders held indefinitely
and personally liable or having the authority to bind the company or the legal entity;
4) a solemn declaration signed by the applicant stating and asserting that he is not subject
to any bansprovided for in article10above. Thissolemn declaration shall be made within
a period of seventy-five (75) days from the registration by submitting an extract of
criminal recordsor , a document serving in lieu;

OHADA / Uniform Act / Unofficial Translations

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