Unofficial translaction
NationalRegistry, fortransmissionwithinthesame time limit, of a copy of that form and extract of
the file to the Regional Registry.
ARTICLE 40-Any application for entry, amendment, renewal and removal of a security
interest and a financing lease shall be made on the form provided for that purpose by the clerk
or the competent body in the State party of the Register of Commerce and Securities, except in
case of use of electronic means.
Theapplication shall besignedbyindividuals referredtoin article51ofthe Uniform Act on
securities interests. The signer, unless he is lawyer, a licensed professional, bailiff,
notaryortrustee,mustprove his identityandbring a power of attorneysigned by the individual who
applies for registration.
The duly completed form shall be kept at the Register of Commerce and Securities.
Acopyofsuchformwhichisattached totheindividual fileconsisting of supporting documents
certified true shall immediately be sent to the National Registry.
ARTICLE 41– The application for registration at the Registerof Commerce and Securities
shall be made for security interests by individuals described in article 51 of the Uniform Act on
securities interests.
Theapplicationfor registrationat the Register of Commerce and Securitiesforfinancing leases
shall be made by the lessoror thelessee.
The Register of Commerce and Securities competent to receive the registration the financing
lease shall be in the jurisdiction where is registered the lesseeor where he made his declaration,
and in other cases, in the jurisdiction of the domicile of the lessee.
ARTICLE42–The registration dateof a security interestorafinancing leaseshall be the fee
indicated in the chronological register of filings provided for in paragraph 1 of article 38 above.
ARTICLE 43– The following shall also be entered automatically at the Registerof Commerce
and Securities:
1) decisions rendered in individual proceedings of bankruptcy or collective insolvency
2) decisions pronouncing patrimonial sanctions against officers of legal entities;
3) Discharge decisions or amnesty measures lifting disqualifications or bans.
The court clerk or the competent body in the State party which has rendered a decision to be
entered in the Registerof Commerce and Securities shall communicate a signed copy of such
OHADA / Uniform Act / Unofficial Translations
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